
this is today (e não está nada fácil)

Pop art is a nasty bit of work. It toadies to the powers that be and plays to the peanut gallery; broadcasts our dirty secrets but never lets us in on its own. Pop art is pushy, unapologetic, expedient—and amnesiac. It glories in the way things are and doesn't worry much about the way they should be. But Pop knows how to turn on the charm. It's brash, it's quick, it's fun to hang with. You can count on Pop to keep things light, but it's better when it shows its depths.

[Jack Bankowsky; excerto do editorial da ArtForum de Outubro de 2004]

Um número especial para aprender qualquer coisa sobre (mais de) meio século de Pop art e perceber porque é que esta corrente, graças à sombra tutelar de Andy Warhol, se encontra num beco sem saída criativa.
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